Growing learners at Melton Christian College

Melton Christian College prides itself on its supportive, Christ-centred approach to education.

A message from Kristie Barber, Head of Teaching and Learning at Melton Christian College.

Growing and developing is what we do at Melton Christian College. In 2020, students, staff and parents did a lot of this. Last year, lockdowns made school-learning look very different. Despite the challenge, we stayed steady in doing what God shows us to do through nature. Through all of nature, God shows us that his plan is for us to grow, flourish, and develop. (Genesis 1:26; 2:15).

2021 is proving to be no different.

As in nature, our God doesn’t expect us to grow tall and strong overnight. Like a garden, different trees and flowers grow at different rates and bloom in different seasons. Such a garden represents diversity and partnership. The larger trees offer shade to protect the smaller plants so they can flourish securely, and the array of flowers provides perspectives for us to wonder at and enjoy. This analogy of garden represents our College learning community. From our little learners in Prep through to tall Year 12s, we are one College, working together to support the growth and development of each other so each member can bloom in their time.

Students are not facing consistent conditions. Thanks to the pandemic, schooling swings between online and onsite, and still each member of our learning community – student, staff, or parent – has persevered. Like trees in a glade, we grow stronger when together, in spite of rough weather we’re experiencing. Whatever the year level or whatever the subject, we do our best to follow God’s guidelines as we learn from nature the way to benefit from diversity and specialisation.

Across the College in learning labs, we grow in knowledge and understanding of maths and science concepts. In classrooms and the library, we feed and fertilise our growing understanding of themes in the stories we are reading and analyses we are writing. In the gym, the courts and the playing fields, we are developing skills of teamwork, problem-solving, and hand-eye coordination.

Growing and developing for God’s glory is our core business as a Christ-centred learning community. Let’s celebrate each other’s growth and continue to care for each other. We are designed to do life in community. When a community selflessly partners together and is aligned in shared purpose, the community flourishes.

To learn more about the school and its philosophy, visit or phone (03) 9732 3000.