Macadamia and coconut fruit crumble


Is there anything more comforting on a cool winter evening than curling up on the lounge with a bowl of warm fruit crumble cradled snugly in your lap?

I have such fond childhood memories of this dish – my parents are English so we’d often spend Christmas holidays in the UK where a crumble was always on the ‘pudding’ menu.

Not only is my macadamia and coconut fruit crumble super easy to make – kids of all ages will enjoy getting their hands into the mixing bowl and squishing all the crumble bits together – it’s also a dessert that gets bonus points for doubling as a nutritious breakfast.

You can use any stewed fruit for the base. I’ve gone with two pantry staples of apples and frozen mixed berries here, but pear, plum, and rhubarb also work well and nectarine or peach are perfect in the summer.

Stewed fruits are great for kids because they’re easy to digest, promote the growth of healthy bacteria, and enable regular bowel movements. Apples are especially healing and soothing for the gut thanks to the pectin found in their skin.

I’ve replaced the traditional crumble topping with a mix of almonds, coconut, and beautiful Aussie macadamias that are grown just up the road from me – a combination that’s naturally sweet and full of nourishing fats and protein to leave you feeling sufficiently full and satisfied after one bowl.

And if you’re lucky enough to have any left over for breakfast, it’s delicious served cold with a dollop of coconut yoghurt.

Macadamia and coconut fruit crumble

Serves: 8 – Prep time: 10-mins – Cook time: 30-mins


Base –

4 apples, cored and diced

500g frozen mixed berries, thawed (preferably organic)

Juice of 1 orange (you’ll need the zest too)

1 tsp vanilla extract

1 tbsp pure maple syrup

Crumble –

1 cup macadamias, roughly chopped

1 cup almond meal

1 cup flaked almonds

1 cup shredded coconut (preservative-free)

3 tbsp extra virgin olive oil

1 tbsp pure maple syrup

Zest of 1 orange

½ tsp cinnamon

¼ tsp sea salt


Preheat the oven to 180 degrees

Put the apple, orange juice, vanilla extract, and maple syrup into a saucepan over a low heat and cook until the apples are soft but not mushy, about 5 minutes.

Transfer the apples and cooking liquid into a pie dish or baking tray, then top with the frozen berries. Set aside while you make the crumble.

To make the crumble, place all the ingredients together in a large mixing bowl then use your hands to rub the oil and maple syrup into the dry ingredients until it resembles a clumpy crumbly mixture.

Sprinkle the crumble mixture over the apples and berries and bake for 30 minutes or until the crumble is cooked and golden. Keep an eye on it as the nuts will catch and burn easily

Serve warm with coconut cream or ice cream.